dimecres, 3 de febrer del 2016

FISH & CHIPS - 4 de febrer

Next Thursday 4th of February we are going to participate in Fish & Chips, an English game show of Super3 Channel.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the families that are going to take the kids to school so early tomorrow morning.We are leaving at 6:30 a.m. to be in the TV studio, in Barcelona, at 7:15. Children must bring their breakfast, as usually. We are coming back in the midday, at lunch time.

Children must wear trainers. Trademarks in  jumpers or t-shirt are forbbiden by the organization staff of Fish and Chips.

From the school we think is a great opportunity to experience English in a funny way. And we really wish all children enjoy the trip.

El dijous 4 de febrer participarem al Fish & Chips, un programa que s'emet al Canal Super3.

Els agraeixo l'esforç de portar els nens i nenes tan d'hora al matí. Sortirem cap a Barcelona a les 6.30 per tal d'arribar a les 7.15 a l'estudi de gravació.Els nens i nenes hauran de dur esmorzar. Tornarem al migdia, a l'hora de dinar.

Els nens i nens han de dur bambes.L'equip del programa prohibeix dur samarretes i jerseis amb logos de marques.

Des de l'escola pensem que és una oportunitat maca d'experimentar l'anglès de manera lúdica.
I desitgem de tot cor que tots gaudeixin d'allò més!